Maintaining a healthy, stable weight, and maximizing metabolic efficiency can be challenging and confusing, especially if you’ve tried to alter your weight by adhering to a gimmicky or deprivation driven diet that has resulted in cycles of weight loss and regain, only to push your defended (or set point) weight range higher and higher with each cycle. It’s not uncommon to feel frustrated with the desire for and pursuit of weight loss. We have helped hundreds of clients lose weight through a careful examination of not only what they are eating but how and why they are eating. Our clinicians are expert in exactly these nuanced aspects of weight management and we work with each client individually to responsibly define and achieve their weight goals and help them transition into confident, mindful and intuitive eaters who no longer feel controlled by thoughts about food, weight, shape and size.
The behavioral and emotional precursors regarding how and why we eat are often the missing links responsible for repeated cycles of weight loss and regain that plague chronic dieters.
The only lasting solution to successful weight loss and maintenance is to establish a relationship with food that is non-punishing and inclusive of all foods in moderation.
Even the savviest person may find it difficult to know where to turn and what to believe about how to achieve and maintain a comfortable weight long term. We can help you modify your relationship with food in such a way that indicated weight loss becomes effortless. We partner with you to achieve confident eating and exercise strategies that are sustainable and enjoyable with the goal of helping you to live in your strongest body.
Schedule a complimentary call to discuss your nutrition goals.
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