Appleman Nutrition

Appleman Nutrition

Embracing Food for Health

Improving Gut Function Through Food: The Case for Seeing a Nutritionist for IBS

September 13, 2024

Improving Gut Function Through Food: The Case for Seeing a Nutritionist for IBS

By Rebecca Appleman RD

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a common gastrointestinal (GI) condition that affects the lower portions of the GI tract, leading to symptoms such as bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and constipation. Individuals with IBS often have significant stomach discomfort, urgent bathroom calls, and sometimes, food intolerances or sensitivities, often in ways that disrupt their lives. An IBS diagnosis can be frustrating, as there is no single treatment plan or medication that works to eliminate symptoms. This is why it is so helpful to work with an RD to help manage your IBS, as they can help create an individualized, tailored approach to treating and managing these symptoms.

The exact cause of IBS is not entirely known, which is why the approach to addressing IBS is often a multifaceted one. IBS is diagnosed by a physician based on the frequency and intensity of certain GI-related symptoms, such as abdominal pain and altered bowel movements, however each individual presentation may look different. For some, these symptoms can be caused by a bacteria or infection in the gut, while for many, there may be abnormal communication between the gut and the brain due to genetics, inflammation, stress or anxiety, and other psychological and lifestyle factors. This alteration in the gut-brain axis can cause problems with how the GI tract responds and reacts to food and digestion. Many people require an interdisciplinary team approach to address the full picture of their IBS – including, but not limited to, a primary care physician, gastroenterologist, registered dietitian, and a psychotherapist.

The Role of Nutrition in Managing IBS

Food plays a critical role in IBS symptom management. Certain foods can trigger symptoms, while others may help alleviate discomfort and support healthy gut function and the development of a healthy gut microbiome. However, every individual’s response to food can be different, making it difficult to adopt a one-size-fits-all nutrition plan. This is where a registered dietitian nutritionist specializing in gastrointestinal health can provide personalized guidance.

While there is a strong need for more research on IBS and its treatment, there have been some studies with promising results around symptom management. The use of probiotics, a supplement of live microorganisms, can help promote diverse gut bacteria, improve immune function, and prevent or help correct gut dysbiosis, all stimulating proper digestion and aiding in the alleviation of IBS symptoms. It can also be helpful to reduce the intake of certain foods, or food ingredients, that have been linked to poor digestion and absorption. For example, high FODMAP foods (fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols) are certain carbohydrates that have been shown to release more gas into the gut, causing bloating and abdominal discomfort. Most often, it is a combination of a few treatment methods targeting different aspects of GI function and lifestyle factors that provide the most sustainable results.

Working With a Dietitian for IBS Management

Keeping a food and GI symptom journal is often a great first step in exploring your IBS triggers. This entails writing down what and when you are eating, as well as the onset and severity of your symptoms. This can help link certain foods with certain symptoms to better understand what your individual triggers may, or may not, be. It is so important to work with an RD during this journey, to ensure that you are able to identify the appropriate triggers, minimize the symptoms, and ensure you are still getting the nutrients your body needs. An RD can help develop a long-term eating plan that avoids only the problematic foods, so that you are not unnecessarily limiting your intake or missing out on foods that you can enjoy.

It’s not necessarily possible to look online specifically for problematic foods and create a “diet plan” for yourself. Instead, it’s important to have an individualized, custom approach that also addresses issues on a holistic level.

Contact Appleman Nutrition Today

Managing IBS symptoms often requires a deep understanding of how food interacts with the digestive system. While general dietary advice may help, a registered dietitian nutritionist can offer a tailored approach that addresses your specific needs.

At Appleman Nutrition, we see clients struggling with IBS and help them create management strategies that provide not only symptom relief, but also a sustainable approach that addresses your long term gut wellness. We are sensitive to not only the role that food plays in your gut, but also to the role food plays in your life and mental health, ensuring that you find a sustainable, enjoyable approach to food. Serving New York, Connecticut and Florida, Appleman Nutrition is ready to provide you with ongoing support to address and reduce IBS flare ups. Complete our intake form for a call from a member of our team and get started on your journey to improved gut health.

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